Stadiums Offer Leagues of Retail Opportunities

As this past weekend’s nail-biter of a Super Bowl reminded us, sports stadiums host leagues like the NBA, NFL, and MLB alongside concerts and other shows that bring in thousands of spectators at once. This creates “massive retail, dining, and advertisement opportunities,” says in a new white paper.

Titled The Retail Opportunity of Stadiums, the white paper analyzes location intelligence metrics for some of the biggest stadiums across the country to reveal the commercial potential of these venues beyond simple ticketing revenue.  The white paper delves into the metrics to analyze, for example, how the demographics of attendees differ among the major sports leagues.

“Although MLB offers the most budget-friendly outing, combining STI: Popstats demographic metrics with trade area data reveals that MLB stadium visitors reside in higher-income areas when compared with visitors to NBA or NFL stadiums,” the white paper states.